Screens are like caffeine: you can’t function without them, but you know you need to cut back to lead a healthier life. 

Studies have shown too much screen time increases:

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • sleep issues
  • obesity
  • and even cardiovascular problems 

Screen time apps can help you moderate your usage, reclaim your health, and regain control over your time.

But there are (literally) hundreds of apps out there—how do you know which ones are effective?

I suggest you look for a tool that:

  1. Monitors your screen usage across all your devices and reports where you spend the most time.
  2. Blocks or limits selective apps and websites that are particularly addictive or triggering.
  3. Allows you to schedule internet-free times, like during dinner or bedtime, to foster healthy habits.
  4. Works with all your devices for comprehensive screen time management.

To make your search easier, I tested out multiple screen time apps and recommend 8 best ones in this article.

I’ll also share what I like about each of them and where they fall short, as well as their unique features and pricing. 

And at the end of the article, you’ll find 3 unconventional (and slightly hardcore) methods to reduce screen time.

Disclaimer: We put ourselves on this list because we’re truly great at helping individuals and families reduce screen addictions. But we promise to be honest & fair about the alternatives—every option on this list is different and may be more right for you.

8 Best Screen Time Apps – A Summary

Here are the eight best screen time apps we’ll review in-depth today:

The app name Why we liked it
Canopy has robust screen time reduction capabilities across all devices, but it also does so much more to keep families & individuals safe from the dangers of the internet. In particular, the app's porn blocking and sexting prevention features are useful.
Opal only works for iPhone and Mac, but we really liked the robust feel, clear focus, and gamification of screen time reduction.
Forest is easy to get started and a simple app for mobile. You grow a tree (and forest) by not looking at your phone, which gamifies reducing screen time—great for kids and studying, but perhaps the limited functionality might not suit all audiences.
ScreenZen is best for curbing social media addiction. It adds pauses before opening social media apps and interrupts scrolling sessions. We like that you can add custom messages for pauses.
RescueTime is great for tracking and setting goals for your screen time. It offers detailed reports and insights into your digital habits, helping you understand where your time goes.
StayFocusd is a Chrome extension for staying focused during work hours. You can set daily limits on distracting websites or use the Nuclear Option to block them immediately.
Minimalist Phone
Minimalist transforms your Android phone into a light-phone alternative. It replaces the default home screen with a simple, monotone interface to remove distractions. We like the in-app reminders that kick you out of an app after a time limit.
Jomo’s most unique feature is “Screen Time journaling”. You can rate your mood after using specific apps and automatically track these reflections. This helps you identify which apps impact you negatively and set limits on them.

Honourable mention:

  • One Sec App (this is so good. It forces you to take a deep breath for one second before opening up addictive apps. It’s a great reminder to stay off them!).

Here are the 8 best screen time apps in more depth:

1. Canopy – Best Holistic Screen Time App for Families and All Devices


Canopy is a screen time and parental control app designed to protect families from harmful content online.

Out of all the apps we’ll discuss today, Canopy is the only one that:

✅ works across all your devices and operating systems (e.g. Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, and Chrome)

✅ works for your entire family (you and your partner or your children)

In a nutshell, here’s how Canopy can help you reduce screen time:

  1. Track screen usage: Canopy works in the background to monitor your screen usage patterns and trends and reports this front-and-center on the app.
  2. Block or limit distractions: Fully customize which apps and websites you want to limit, and which ones you still want to access to stay focused on what’s important.
  3. Schedule internet downtimes: Set internet downtimes any time and any day you want, and choose how often you want them to kick in.

For families, Canopy is the only parental control app that uses AI to filter and monitor harmful and explicit content in real time, unlike others that rely on blacklists and image databases.

This means harmful and explicit content (including partial nudity) is detected and blocked even before it reaches your child’s device. 

It also prevents sexting by sending immediate alerts to parents when their kid takes a risky photo, or when they receive one. 

A fellow parent on YouTube reviewed Canopy in depth here:

Who it’s best for

Canopy is best for adults and families.

What I like about Canopy

Canopy works across all major devices so I don’t have to use different tools for different operating systems. This saves me time and reduces the headache of trying to figure out new tools.

I also love that it’s fully customizable—I can set any types of limits on any apps and websites, and even entire Content Categories like social media. 

I can also choose how granular I want the filters to be. For example, if I’m trying to avoid particularly FOMO-inducing content, I can do that on Canopy.

How Does Canopy Work?

Installing Canopy is easy. 

All you need to do is:

  1. Create an account and start a 7-day free trial.
  2. Download the Canopy App on the device where you’ll set controls.
  3. Download the Canopy Shield App on the device you want to reduce screen time on.
  4. Set it up following the Installation Instructions.

It only took me a few minutes to get all this done, and I was able to start using the app right away.

Try it free for 7 days here. 

So, how does Canopy fare against the four factors we listed above?

Factor 1: Canopy Shows You Screen Time Behaviors and Trends.

Canopy’s Screen Time Report tells you how you or your child is using their device—which apps are being used, how often, what are the usage trends, and more.

You can then use these insights to decide:

  • Which apps you should limit, and when and how long
  • Which apps you should block, and when
  • When to schedule internet downtimes (usually during peak usage hours)

The report shows the app list in usage order, from most used to least used, as well as the latest used app. 

For instance, this was mine when I tried out Canopy:

I find it very useful that this report is always on the front page of the Canopy app (instead of being buried in a tab somewhere) so I can always see how much time I’m spending on screens at a glance.

Factor 2: Canopy Selectively Blocks and Limits Distracting Apps and Websites.

Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, Canopy allows you to filter or block specific websites or apps. For instance, if you find that you use TikTok the most before bed, you can block it in the evenings to avoid late-night scrolling. 

You can also block entire “Content Categories” (e.g. social media) with one click, simplifying screen time management.

But where Canopy truly shines is its Smart Filter which uses patented AI technology to block inappropriate images and videos without blocking entire sites, including suggestive content with partial nudity). 

Triggering content like this can lead to prolonged screen time, and Canopy makes sure you don’t see it in the first place.

This is especially useful for adults battling with porn addiction, or for parents who want to protect their kids.

For screen-conscious parents, it’s important to consider not just when and how long kids are online, but also WHAT they see. 

68% of teens in the US are exposed to online pornography, and this early and excessive exposure can lead to internet addiction. Addressing this early helps kids develop healthy screen boundaries and protects their mental health.

In addition to this Smart Filter, Canopy also prevents sexting by alerting you (the parent) if your child receives or takes a potentially problematic photo. You’ll need to review the image before your child can access or share it.

All in all, Canopy is an excellent choice for complete family protection—not just from screens, but also from harmful content online.

Factor 3: Easily Set Internet Downtimes on Your Device and Your Kids’ Devices.

On Canopy, you can easily schedule internet downtimes during specific times, like no streaming during dinner or no social media after bedtime. 

These rules can automatically repeat, ensuring a consistent and predictable routine.

Unlike simply turning off your phone or shutting off the internet completely, you can selectively block non-essential online activities, while allowing critical functions like phone calls and messages from your family and friends. 

Pre-scheduled internet downtimes are great for building healthy screen habits that last. 

For instance, if you spend a week without using the internet before bed, you can keep this practice up even if you do have internet in the future. 

It’s a form of “forced cold-turkey,” helping break bad habits through intentional breaks.

You can then use this time to do non-screen activities, like reading a book, painting, or even listening to a podcast. 

Here’s how Down Time works on Canopy:

  • Schedule: Open the Canopy app or dashboard, select the device you wish to schedule downtimes on, and go to Settings.
  • Set: In the Down Time tab, tap Add Down Time to create a new schedule or Edit to adjust an existing one.
  • Customize: Name your break, choose the days, and set start and end times. Choose how often you want to repeat this.

Factor 4: Canopy is Compatible with All Modern Devices.

Whether you’re an Android-head, die-hard iOS fan, have a Mac or a Windows, Canopy has you covered. You can install it on all your devices, such as:

  • Android devices (smartphones and tablets) running Android 5.0 or higher
  • iPhones and iPads running iOS 12 or higher
  • Apple computers running a recent version of MacOS
  • Any computer running a recent version of Windows OS
  • Chromebooks running Chrome OS.

You can use any combination of devices with Canopy as long as they both meet those specifications. 

For example, if you have an iPhone but your child has an Android device, that’s totally fine.

Pros and Cons of Canopy


  • Easy installation that only takes a minute
  • Works across all devices
  • Customizable rules and scheduled downtimes to help establish healthy screen habits without cutting off essential functions
  • Comprehensive content filtering


  • Not free
  • Some features may not be as effective when the device is offline, reducing control over screen time

Canopy Pricing

Canopy offers a 7-day free trial, after which pricing starts from $9.99/month for up to 3 devices.

2. Opal – Best Screen Time Limit App for Focus and Productivity on iOS


Opal is a well-known screen time management app among iOS users. 

It excels at creating a distraction-free environment, whether you’re at work or at home, by offering features like app blocking, focus sessions, and detailed insights into your screen time usage. 

The app’s intuitive design also makes it easy to set up and use.

Who it’s best for

Opal is perfect for professionals, students, and anyone looking to boost their productivity by reducing digital distractions. 

What I like about Opal

I like its fun, gaming element where you can unlock gorgeous-looking “Focus Gems” for every milestone you hit. This motivates me to keep to my screen time goals. 

Opal also forces you to wait before unlocking or overcoming Screen Time restrictions, which gives you a good reminder every time you automatically reach for your phone.

Sadly, though, Opal focuses more on iOS and Mac, and is not compatible with other devices.

Unique Features

  • Focus Sessions: Set timed focus sessions where distracting apps and websites are blocked, helping you stay on task.
  • App and Website Blocking: Customize which apps and websites to block during focus sessions, ensuring you only access what’s necessary.
  • Insights and Analytics: Get detailed reports on your screen time habits, helping you understand and improve your digital behavior.
  • Mindful Block Screens: Discover quotes, puns, and more when you open up an app or website you really shouldn’t..
  • Emergency Breaks: Take short breaks during focus sessions without completely turning off the app’s blocking features.

Pros and Cons of Opal


  • Focus Sessions block distracting apps and websites to boost productivity.
  • Detailed insights provide comprehensive reports on screen time habits.
  • Easy customization allows for personalized app and website blocking.


  • Premium features such as “Deep Focus” require a subscription.
  • Limited functionality in the free version.
  • Primarily focused on iOS, limiting appeal to other platform users.

Opal Pricing

Opal offers a “free-forever” tier that comes with basic functionalities. 

Pro plans start from $8.29/month for a yearly subscription or $19.99/month for monthly. Students are eligible for a 50% discount for Pro plans.

3. Forest – Best Gamified App to Limit Screen Time


Recognized as a top productivity app by Google Play in 2018 and awarded the best self-improvement app in multiple countries, Forest makes managing screen time fun and engaging.

It’s essentially a focused timer application that helps you to stay on task using a “stick and carrot approach”. Here’s how it works:

  1. Once you set a timer, a virtual tree starts growing. 
  2. If you leave the app (like take a call or go on social media),  or cancel before the timer ends, the tree dies. 
  3. If you don’t, you get to add the tree to your collection.

Over time, you grow a virtual forest, turning focus sessions into a rewarding game.

Who it’s best for

Forest is best for students who need deep focus study sessions, or for those who just need a simple, but interactive, timer.

What I like about Forest

I like how easy it is to get started. 

I downloaded it on my Android and within seconds I was using it to focus on finishing this article.

However, Forest is too simple for adults or families who need more control over their screen time and internet usage. It’s also designed to be used on a single device (mostly your phone) rather than across all your devices.

I also found myself constantly checking the timer to see when it would end and when my tree would be finished, which was a bit of a distraction on its own. 

But it was rewarding to see my tree! 

Unique Features

  • Focus Timer: Encourages you to stay off your phone by growing virtual trees.
  • Gamified Experience: Makes controlling screen time fun and engaging.
  • Visual Progress: Watch your virtual forest flourish as you build better habits.

Pros and Cons of Forest


  • Easy and quick to get started
  • Encourages sustained focus with visual rewards
  • Highly motivating for users who enjoy games and visual progress


  • Limited functionality beyond the focus timer
  • Effectiveness can wane if the novelty wears off
  • Too many in-app purchases that can cost you a lot

Forest Pricing

As of May 2024, you can download Forest on Androids for free, but the Pro version costs $1.99 (this includes a more variety of tree and plant types).

On the App store, it costs $3.99 to download the app. 

Forest also offers in-app purchases of different types of trees and plants.

4. ScreenZen – Best Free Screen Time App to Reduce Social Media Usage


Find yourself opening Instagram out of muscle-memory even though you don’t particularly want to use it? I know I do.

Catherine Price, award-winning journalist and bestselling author of “How to Break Up With Your Phone” calls them “zombie checks”.

These zombie checks usually turn into hour-long doom scrolls where you just sit there swiping reel after reel, and before you know it, it’s past your bedtime. 

ScreenZen is specifically designed to reduce (and ultimately, eliminate) these zombie checks and prevent doom scrolls. 

In her book, Catherine Price recommends setting up “mental speed bumps” that force you to slow down and assess why exactly you’re checking your phone or a particular app. 

ScreenZen puts this approach into practice.

On the app, you can set:

  • Pause Time Before Opening: For example, you can add a 5 second delay between when you click on the app and when it actually opens. You can increase the wait time each time you open the app. 
  • Unlock Time: After opening the app, it will lock again after a certain time (e.g. 5 minutes). This prevents you from spending hours doom scrolling on it. 
  • Daily Opens Per App: You can also set how many times you would like to open the app per day. You can also “Strict Block” your apps either for specific time ranges, after a certain number of opens, or if it exceeds the screen time you set. 
  • Pause Message: This is the message shown before opening your app. 

Who it’s best for

ScreenZen is best for individuals who want to curb social media addiction.

What I like about ScreenZen

I love that I can add custom messages under “Pause Message”, which aligns with my objectives for the day.

For example, I could add “FINISH THAT BLOG POST” if I’m trying to stay productive. 

Unique Features

  • Pause Before Opening: Adds a wait time before you can open distracting apps or websites, increasing each time you try to open them.
  • Interrupt Scrolling: Limits the time you spend on distracting apps, helping you avoid getting sucked in.
  • Customizable Blocks: Allows you to block specific apps and websites, tailoring the experience to your needs.

Pros and Cons of ScreenZen


  • Effective at interrupting and reducing doom scrolling
  • Works with multiple devices – Androids, iOS, and MacOS
  • Increases wait time, promoting mindful app usage


  • May be too restrictive for users looking for more flexibility
  • Limited functionality outside of social media management
  • Requires consistent use to build effective habits

ScreenZen Pricing

ScreenZen is free, but it includes in-app purchases. 

5. RescueTime – Best Screen Time App for Time Tracking and Management


RescueTime helps you track exactly how you spend your time on digital devices so you can reduce screen time, be more productive, and build healthy habits.

You can set goals, create customized alerts, and track your progress over time on one dashboard.

It works across iOS, Windows, Mac, and Android.

Who it’s best for

RescueTime is best for freelancers as you can create timesheets for billing purposes.

What I like about RescueTime

What I love about RescueTime is the goal-setting feature, which lets you determine how you want to spend your time online – whether it’s a project you’re working on or a task you need to finish.

And the app will send you real-time notifications if you’re spending too much time on distracting activities.

Unique Features

  • Automatic Time Tracking: Tracks time spent on apps, websites, and specific documents without manual entry, offering detailed productivity reports.
  • Detailed Reports and Insights: Provides comprehensive insights into your working habits, helping you find time sinks and set smart goals.
  • Offline Time Tracking: Prompts you to log offline activities, ensuring a complete picture of your day.
  • RescueTime Assistant: Monitors your behavior, sends alerts, and integrates with your schedule for better productivity.
  • App Integration: Works seamlessly with apps like Asana and Slack, enhancing your workflow.
  • Timesheets AI: Automatically generates timesheets, making project tracking and client billing easier and more accurate.

Pros and Cons of RescueTime


  • Works with both Android and iOS.
  • FocusTime blocks distractions to enhance productivity.
  • Real-time alerts and detailed reports to achieve goals.


  • Premium features require a subscription.
  • Limited functionality in the free version.
  • Primarily focused on desktop, with fewer mobile features.

RescueTime Pricing

RescueTime offers two plans:

  1. RescueTime Lite: Free forever, with personalized Focus Time goals, time tracking, and weekly reports
  2. RescueTime Premium: $12 per month or $78 per year, with Lite features plus calendar and music integration, history reports, and warmups for Focus Sessions

Here’s a full breakdown:

6. StayFocusd – Best Google Chrome Extension to Block Distracting Websites at Work


Though technically not an app, this Google Chrome Extension is great to boost productivity during work by tracking and limiting time spent on distracting websites.

StayFocusd is highly configurable–you can block or allow entire sites, specific subdomains, specific paths, specific pages, even specific in-page content (videos, images, forms, etc).

You can also set “Working Days” and customize blocking rules accordingly, focusing on when it’s most important to avoid distractions.

Who it’s for

StayFocusd is best for working individuals who use Google Chrome primarily.

What I like about StayFocusd

The best thing is you can add it right now to your Google Chrome–no need to buy plans or configure anything.

StayFocusd also shows you a Dashboard that summarizes how and where you’re spending your screen time during work.

I just started using it so mine looks like this ⬇️ (Reddit was for research I swear!)

Unique Features

  • Blocked Sites: Add websites to a blocked list and set a maximum time limit per day. Once the time is up, these sites are blocked.
  • Allowed Sites: Designate certain URLs to remain accessible, even after your time limit is reached, ensuring access to essential content.
  • Active Days & Hours: Customize which days and hours StayFocusd tracks and blocks your time-wasting sites.
  • The Nuclear Option: Instantly block sites with no way to disable it, perfect for times when you need absolute focus.
  • Require Challenge: Prevents cheating by requiring you to type a long paragraph without mistakes to change settings, ensuring you stick to your rules.

Pros and Cons of StayFocusd


  • Limits time on distracting websites.
  • Customizable blocking rules by days.
  • Nuclear Mode for immediate website blocking.


  • Only available for Google Chrome.
  • Limited to browser-based distractions.
  • Lacks features for managing screen time on other devices.

StayFocusd Pricing

StayFocusd is free.

7. Minimalist Phone – Best Screen Time App to Combat Phone Addiction


For most of us, our phones are the last thing we see before bed and the first thing we check in the morning.

Minimalist Phone breaks this pattern by turning your phone into a light phone alternative.

It’s essentially a custom home screen for Android phones that replaces your default home screen.

Apart from this, you’ll also be able to:

  • Add apps to the home screen: You can add your favorite apps to the home screen so you can access them right away.

This sounds like a slippery slope, but it actually made me think about which apps I do need, and which ones I don’t.

In the end, I chose to add my one main messaging app, Gallery, and my workout program app.

  • Set in-app reminders: When opening an addictive app, you can decide how much  time you want to spend on it, and be reminded once that time is up. This reminder is active by default for games, social media, and similar apps.
  • Filter notifications: You can choose which apps you want to receive notifications for right away, or for later.

Who it’s best for

Minimalist Phone is most ideal for anyone who is willing to go the extra mile to break their phone addiction and use their device more intentionally.

What I like about Minimalist Phone

To be honest, I was quite intimidated to download it. I thought I was going to lose all my “coolness” and social life, which is weird because I’d still have access to apps and the internet—just with a different home screen look. (This shows how our identities are tied to our phones.)

But when I downloaded the app, I love how it “educated” me on why I should stick with it as part of the setup guide.

I also love that every time you open up an app (e.g. Instagram), it asks you to set a time limit. And once you reach the limit, the app automatically closes out.

Unique Features

  • Dopamine Reduction: Designed to combat the brain’s dopamine addiction by focusing on essential apps.
  • Mindful Usage: Encourages conscious decision-making on app usage, minimizing distractions.
  • Custom Home Screen: Replaces the default home screen with a minimalist interface, supporting mindful phone use.

Pros and Cons of Minimalist Phone


  • Promotes mindful and intentional phone use.
  • Reduces screen time and phone addiction.
  • Simple, distraction-free interface enhances productivity.


  • Only available for Android devices.
  • May require an adjustment period for users used to traditional home screens.

Minimalist Phone Pricing

Minimalist Phone offers a 7-day free trial, after which it’s $4.99/month. If you pay annually it’s only $19.99 for the entire year.

You can also choose to make a one-time purchase where you don’t need to worry about any recurring charges.

8. Jomo – Best Screen Time App for Building Healthy Alternative Habits


Jomo is a screen time management app that guides you in setting effective screen time rules and encourages you to build healthier alternative habits. 

On Jomo, you can not only block apps and schedule internet-free sessions, but you’ll also get personalized messages and tips from experts whenever you open a blocked app to help you stay motivated.

What I like about Jomo

The most unique feature of Jomo, and the one I like the most, is “Screen Time Journaling”.

You can reflect on the activities that you performed on your phone and how you felt about them (e.g. whether it made you feel good or bad).

For instance, you rate your mood after using a particular app (e.g. TikTok), or you can also note what you did on the app (like mindless scrolling). Plus you can set it to automatically track your mood.

This helps you see which apps are bringing you down (and why), which apps you need to stay connected with loved ones, and which apps boost productivity.

Unfortunately, Jomo only works with Mac and iOS.

Unique Features:

  • App Blocking and Limits: Customizable methods to block apps and set usage limits.
  • Focus Timer and Scheduled Sessions: Tools to enhance productivity by scheduling focused work periods.
  • Smart Healthy Alternatives: Personalized messages and tips to stay motivated when trying to access blocked apps.
  • Screen Time Journaling: Reflect on your daily phone activities and feelings to promote mindful usage.
  • Jomo Squad: Set screen time challenges with friends, family, or colleagues for mutual motivation.
  • Powerful Shortcuts Integration: Turn your iPhone into a “Dumb Phone” to minimize distractions.

Pros and Cons of Jomo


  • Personalized motivation and tips for reducing screen time.
  • Encourages healthy habits with smart alternatives.
  • Screen time journaling for mindful reflection.


  • Requires consistent use to build effective habits.
  • Limited to Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac).
  • May be too restrictive for users needing more flexibility.

Jomo Pricing

You can download Jomo for free, or opt for the Jomo Plus plan which includes:

  • Unlimited Recurring Sessions: Add multiple recurring sessions.
  • Strict Mode: You can configure Jomo for Mac to be much harder to bypass.

Jomo Plus costs:

  • $5.99/month (automatically renewed)
  • $2.49/month (billed annually via a $29.99 payment)
  • $99.99 (one-time purchase)

Students can apply for a 50% discount on the yearly Jomo Plus plan.

3 Other Unconventional Options to Reduce Screen Time

If you’re ready to try more hardcore methods, these three options would suit your needs:

1. The Light Phone II

If you want to go cold-turkey, the Light Phone is for you.

It’s essentially an old-school Nokia where you can only call and text — no social media, email, and internet browsing allowed.

This helps you disconnect from the digital noise and avoid the constant urge to check your phones.

The Light Phone features an electronic paper screen, which avoids emitting blue light and is easy on the eyes, making it suitable for extended use in various lighting conditions.

Whether you need a break from your smartphone for the weekend or are ready to ditch it for good, the Light Phone can help you reduce screen time.

2. Phone Lockboxes

A phone lockbox is a practical solution for physically restricting access to your phone during key times.

By locking your phone away for a set period, this device helps you avoid the temptation of screen time, promoting more focused and productive moments.

Ideal for work sessions, family time, or any period where minimizing distractions is crucial, a phone lockbox encourages mindful usage of technology.

Simply place your phone in the lockbox, set the timer, and enjoy uninterrupted time for important activities.

(There’s a wide range of phone lock boxes available on Amazon, like this one).

3. Brick

Brick is a device that temporarily removes distracting apps and their notifications from your phone, leaving only the essential tools you need.

Unlike apps where the “key” to re-enable distractions is always present, Brick allows you to leave that key behind (since it’s literally in a brick).

This means you’re truly distraction-free and it forces you to engage with your phone intentionally, avoiding mindless scrolling.

Best Screen Time Apps – FAQs

Have more questions about apps or screen time in general? I answer them below:

In this 2024 report, the American Optometric Association defines “excessive screen time” as seven or more hours per day.

So, your goal should be to keep it under seven hours a day.

I’d recommend Canopy for setting screen time limits.

Canopy is great for setting super granular screen time limits and filters and it works across all devices.

Forest and Roots are two apps that gamify screen time.

Forest turns focus sessions into a game where you grow a virtual tree. If you stay focused for the set time, the tree grows; if you leave the app, the tree dies. Over time, you can grow a forest, visually representing your focus and productivity.

Roots uses a reward system to encourage you to stay off your phone. The longer you stay focused, the more virtual plants you grow, creating a virtual garden as a testament to your focus.

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